We have received a huge variety of applications in the first 2 weeks of our Platinum Award scheme.
An astonishing total of 24 to date, with volunteers helping all ages. They include such diverse groups as Chattertots, Windsor Horse Rangers, Men's Matters. Maidenhead Sea Cadets, Maidenehad Festival, 9th Maidenhead Brownies, 18th Maidenhead Scouts, Maidenhead Trefoil Group, Pinkneys Green Cricket Club, the Tuneless Choir, 1st Maidenhead Sea Scouts, Maidenhead Community Book Festival, 1st Cox Green Brownies, Rockets Wheelchair Basketball Club, Maidenhead Group 1 Reengage, Maidenhead Civic Society, Norden Farm, Maidenhead Blind Club, Maidenehad & Districy Stroke Club, Wild Cookham, Re:Charge R&R, Friends of Maidenhead Waterways, WildSL6 and more!
So many groups, so many volunteers, so many people enjoying themselves together, so much being acheived. So very satisfying to help them all. This is truly local community helping local community, and exemplifies diversity in action.
Here are a few of the thank yous coming in already -

"Dear Lions - thank you so much for including us in your increasing list of generous gifts towards local causes. The natural world around us subject to increasing pressures nowadays as we all know, and as one of the 7 'Wilds' in the Borough, WildCookham has embarked on no less than 16 projects to improve our immediate area for wildlife. The gift will help us embrace all ages in our educational walks, talks and survey work. We could not do this on any significant scale without the support of amazing groups such as your own. Thank you again."
One of our Platinum Awards will help the Maidenhead Civic Society publish an updated Millennium Walk leaflet. The Millennium Walk is a route from Hurley to Maidenhead Riverside and is a joint project of Maidenhead Civic Society and East Berks Ramblers. The project was started to mark the new millennium and in the year 2000 there was an inaugural walk of the route led by the Civic Society patron and MP, Theresa May. We also managed in 2020 during the pandemic to mark the 20th anniversary by walking half of it from Pinkneys Green to the Thames. The leaflet is being updated because a missing link in the route has been achieved due to the acquisition of farmland by RBWM to create Battlemead Common. The whole link will be opened in April 2022 until after the boundary walk in October creating a circular walk. Part is closed off during the winter to protect overwintering birds. With East Berks Ramblers they hope to organise a walk on Battlemead using the link and to also launch the new leaflet.

Maidenhead Festival said - "A HUGE thankyou to our friends over at Maidenhead Lions Club - they have kindly issued us a Platinum Award - this will go towards supporting our fabulous event - organised by the community for the community" #thankyou #thankyoutues #community #maidenhead

We are delighted to grant a Platinum award to the Rockets Wheelchair Basketball team to help them with obtaining planning permission for a storage container at Braywick for their wheelchairs between training sessions.

"A huge thank you to Maidenhead Lions Club from Windsor Horse Rangers for the £250 Platinum Award which will go towards First Aid training for our volunteers"
Just waiting for applications for the next 24 or 48 or all 56 of the awards still on offer. Download your form from our web site & send in your application soon.