Maidenhead Lions
Ordinary people - Amazing things!

1.41 Individual Welfare Donations to local residents
Donations to other Charities and Groups (for detail see list below)
2. Donations to charities nominated by Swimarathon entrants
3. Cost of food, packaging and distribution of Christmas parcels and vouchers
4. Geoff Hill Awards to local youth (6)
5. Winter Warmth donations
6. Message in bottle
7. Collection and delivery of donated Spectacles
8. Careline
Total charitable expenditure
Donations to Charities and Voluntary Groups
1. Achieving for Children Summer Activities
2. Churches Together Christmas Hampers
3. Cox Green School pupil aid
4. Cycle Hub
5. Foodshare equipment
6. Furze Platt Senior School
7. Guide Dogs for the Blind
8. Holyport Schools
9. Homeless vaccination gift cards
10. Maidenhead & Windsor Vision
11.Maidenhead Macular Society
12. People to Places
13. RAF Benevolent Fund & Air Ambulance
14. Thames Valley Adventure playground
15. Tiggywinkles
16. Wessex School Pupil Activities
17. Windsor Lions
18. Platinum Awards to 57 Local charities and groups
Total donations to Charities and Voluntary Groups
Lions UK and Lions International Donations
1. LCI Ball For All
2. LCI Brain Tumour appeal
3. LCI DG appeal
4. LCI Europe Flood appeal
5. LCI Haiti Appeal
6. LCI Madagascar
7. LCI Sight Savers
6. LCI Tonga
9. LCI Tormado
10. LCI Ukraine Appeal
TOTAL FOR 2021/22
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Donations to Individuals, Charities and Groups in the year to June 2021
1. 56 Individual Welfare Donations to people and families in need
2. Cost of food, packaging and distribution of Christmas parcels
3. Geoff. Hill Awards for Youth Development
4. Swimarathon entrant
5. Care Line and Message in Bottle
Donations made to Charities and Charitable Groups
1. Autism UK
2. Brain Tumour research
3, CCF Stalholders
4. CLIC Sargeant
5. Cox Green School
6. Churches Together Christmas Hampers
7. Food Share
8. Hope For Tomorrow LCI appeal
9. LCI India Covid Appeal
10. LCI Lebanon Appeal
TOTAL FOR 2020/21
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Donations to Individuals, Charities and Groups in the year to June 2020
1. 49 Individual Welfare Donations to people and families in need
2. 35 Donations to charities nominated by Swimarathon entrants
3. Christmas parcels, food packaging, and distribution
4. Geoff Hill Awards for youth development
5. Prostate testing event
Donations to individual Charities and Groups
1. Achieving For Children Fun Day
2. Alexander Devine
3. Autism Group
4. Dash
5. Duck Derby Participants
6. Food Share
7. Friends of Alfriston School
8. Litchfield School PTA
9. LCI Australian Appeal
10. LCI Hagibis Appeal
11. LCI Hurricane Appeal
12. Lions UK Flood Relief
13. Maidenhead Christian Xmas Dinner
14. Maidenhead Sea Cadet
15. Reading Hospital Radio
16. Sight Savers
17. St Mark Church
18. Timber Town
West London Aero Club
TOTAL FOR 2019/20